Self-medication with CBD or other supplements can cause treatment delays, which can lead to worsening of symptoms. CBD has the potential to aggravate some symptoms, such as anxiety, sleep problems and psychosis. Cannabis can cause hallucinations, mood changes, amnesia, depersonalization, paranoia, delirium and disorientation. It can also make it harder to concentrate or remember things, cause difficulty sleeping and depression.
On the other hand, many people report that CBD helps them manage health problems such as pain, anxiety, sleep problems and PTSD. CBD is short for cannabidiol, a natural compound found in cannabis (also known as marijuana) and hemp plants. It has the same chemical composition as cannabis but does not cause a high. In a study involving mice with hippocampal gliosis induced by the injection of a human Abeta fragment, CBD inhibited glial cell activation and the release of pro-inflammatory mediators in a dose-dependent manner.
Another study that included 26 healthy men found that treatment with 600 mg of CBD for 7 days resulted in significant reductions in blood pressure in the short term compared to a placebo group. The package insert for the FDA-approved form of CBD Epidiolex lists depression and suicidal ideation as possible adverse reactions. CBD oil has been used to safely treat insomnia and anxiety in children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a type of anxiety disorder. In addition, a study conducted by Das et al, in which 48 healthy volunteers participated, evaluated the anticipation of an anxiety-causing electric shock and were given pure CBD without THC or placebo.
In addition, some research suggests that CBD may alleviate the symptoms of rheumatic diseases such as fibromyalgia. Several human studies have shown that a combination of CBD and THC is effective in treating pain related to multiple sclerosis (MS) and arthritis. CBD may help reduce some cancer-related symptoms and side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and pain. Some studies suggest that CBD may help with substance use disorders, mental health disorders and certain types of cancer.
However, it is important to note that CBD dosage guidelines should be established for different indications and follow-up with a doctor is necessary. CBD-infused alcoholic beverages have recently appeared on the market, leading some to question the safety of combining CBD and alcohol. More human studies are needed in a controlled environment to determine the medicinal value of CBD for various diagnoses in order to make clear recommendations. This quality makes CBD an attractive option for those seeking to alleviate pain and other symptoms without the disruptive effects of cannabis or other drug-related side effects.
A placebo-controlled study conducted by Crippa et al showed a decrease in symptoms of social anxiety, but also of sedation in a small group of 10 patients who received CBD. Given the inconsistency of the OTC CBD product, there are no dosage recommendations available for each stated condition and they are not prescribed as an FDA-approved drug and there is no medical follow-up.